picture of dr. paul kimmel MD

Paul Kimmel, MD

Your Kidneys: “THE BODY’S KEEPERS”

Location: THE COSMOS CLUB, 2121 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006

Please join us for the Winter Meeting on 9th of October 2024

Cocktails start at 6:00 PM and dinner is served at 6:45 PM

Dr. Roselyn E. Epps, M.D. will convene the Annual Meeting at 7:15 PM

The speaker will be introduced at 7:30 PM

Please RSVP by October 1, 2024 with the AOM Secretary at ivonneschulman@gmail.com (in-person or virtual). Please note: If you respond by September 25, 2024, you will receive a gift copy of Dr. Kimmel’s book,

Fee for a guest is $60, payable by check at the meeting. Please indicate if there any special dietary requests.

Your Kidneys: “THE BODY’S KEEPERS”

Until the 1950s, a diagnosis of kidney failure was a death sentence. Through the mid-20th century, advances in dialysis and kidney transplantation technologies led to their feasibility in the 1950s. Dialysis emerged from early efforts in Baltimore in the beginning of the 20th century but was realized by the work of one physician working under Nazi domination. Multiple attempts at transplantation failed, until Nobel Laureate Joseph Murray and his team demonstrated the feasibility of the procedure by performing a successful twin-to-twin transplant in 1954.
Over the next 20 years, kidney failure therapy was extremely scarce. In 1973, under the auspices of Medicare and Social Security, dialysis and transplantation became available to every American who needed the procedure, the first medical entitlement in America. Over the last 50 years, corporate greed and racism have stained the unbelievable technologic advances achieved over time. Currently, xenotransplantation provides the hope of access to the many who have been denied kidney transplantation, but the technology is in its infancy.
Paul Kimmel, in his new book, The Body’s Keepers, outlines the transformation kidney disease treatment has undergone over the last 120 years.

Kimmel is Emeritus Professor of Medicine at George Washington University, a Master of the American College of Physicians, and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. He is a recipient of the Scribner Memorial Award on the American Society of Nephrology.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Fall 2024 Meeting Announcement

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